Pour que vous puissiez facilement charger et convertir le manuscrit de votre ebook, nous prenons en charge divers formats de fichier. Pour obtenir les meilleurs résultats, utilisez un DOC/DOCX Microsoft Word ou un fichier KPF créé avec Kindle Create.
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6 Different Ways to Load eBooks on Your Kindle | The eBook Reader... Kindles support a few formats in addition to Kindle formats, including PDF, TXT, MOBI and PRC. Amazon also offers a free conversion service that can convert HTML, DOC 3. Send to Kindle Apps - This is the quickest and easiest way to send documents, PDFs, and non-Amazon ebooks to a Kindle. What is The Best eBook Format For Kindle? | Tips & Tutorials | Blog What Format Does Kindle Use? Now, if you've run across various forums, you may have seen people refer to AZW format, or AZW3 format. The former is the actual, final, encrypted Kindle format that is dispensed from the Amazon store, to your Kindle as a purchased book. That's not a format that you... Kindle File Format - Wikipedia Kindle File Format is a proprietary e-book file format created by Amazon.com with the extension .azw that can be downloaded and read on devices like smartphones, tablets, computers, or e-readers that have Amazon's Kindle app. Comment créer des ebooks Kindle avec Word et les vendre sur...